We Represent the 72%

In May, 72% of North Plains residents who voted, voted NO against the city’s huge expansion plan. All of us voted NO against doubling in size as well. We’re here to uphold your vote and make sure the city listens.

To achieve a majority vote on North Plains City Council:

Vote for “The 4” by November 5th

On November 5, 2024, votes will be tallied for a new North Plains mayor and three new city councilors.

We four candidates vow to stand up for the 72% of North Plains citizens who voted “No” against the city’s huge, proposed Urban Growth Boundary expansion in May 2024. We believe in slow, smart growth that emphasizes small, local businesses—not huge data centers, warehouses, or semiconductor factories that produce few jobs, command tax breaks, and detract from our small-town charm and livability. We vow to listen, engage with the community, and protect farmland as much as possible.

Electing new officials is our long-term solution to standing up for our small-town charm and values.

Please vote for us four candidates as a group—together we can band together to Save North Plains!


Ariel Goodwin

Ariel Goodwin


Occupation: Asset Management, 20+ years of professional experience. 

Community Volunteer Work: North Plains Elementary PTO President, HOA President, Girl Scout leader, Oregon Special Olympics volunteer, Citizen Participation Organization (CPO8), Officer at Large. Atfalati Ridge/North Plains Elementary HSD school boundary committee.

Education: Oregon State Board of Education General Educational Development with Honors, IAITAM SAM Certified.

I’m not a politician, but it’s time to turn North Plains back over to the people. I’m deeply involved in community advocacy and will stand strong for you so that in 20 years our home is recognizable as the place we chose to live.

My priorities as Mayor:

  • Advocate for you – Keep North Plains from becoming North Hillsboro. Prevent sprawling data centers, polluting factories and massive warehouses replacing the farms and fields surrounding our small town. Stop big developers from buying our election, cashing in on our town, affecting our quality of life and taking away our right to vote.
  • Meaningful improvement – Casting your votes for “The Four” of us creates a majority on City Council – tangible change in just one election so we all benefit. Your ballot lets us take our town back after being ignored. The stakes are high—other candidates will continue their massive expansion plans if elected, they’ve had the City take legal action to throw out our May votes.
  • Transparency – Stop local officials with conflicts of interest and financial gain from their decisions from controlling our future.
  • Smart growth – Smart growth is investing inside existing City limits for a vibrant downtown full of small businesses energizing our community with valued services locally.
          Aaron Dumbrow

          Aaron Dumbrow


          Occupation: Technical Sales Manager & Small Business Owner

          Occupational Background: IT Consultant, Army Veteran, Law Enforcement, Previous Vice Commander American Legion Post, North Plains Chamber of Commerce Member

          Community Volunteer Work: Church Finance & IT Committees, Youth Coach, Military Veterans Mentor, Veterans Employee Resource Leader

          Educational Background: University of Phoenix – Masters Business Administration, Bachelors Science Information Technology, Cornell University Leadership Certificates

          As a North Plains resident and a native Oregonian, I’m running for City Council to represent the interests of our neighbors. I support smart growth that respects the needs of all those who live here. 

          My Priorities:

          • AccountabilityGovernment should be accountable to the voters. We work for you, and your voice should count. While we may not always agree, we will work together on issues facing our small town.
          • Smart growthLook within our community and build the next generations we, the citizens of local and rural North Plains, want for future generations.
          • Develop leadersBring more people into the civic process; if you are passionate about our town, join us and learn how we can make a difference working together.
          • Expanding local businessOur work is the backbone of North Plains. Supporting our local businesses and farms supports our whole community. Let’s look within, for the best of ourselves.
          • TransparencyHonesty leads us to ensure open communication. Integrity guides us to community-focused decision making.

          I would be honored to earn your vote, and represent our North Plains community.

          Mandy Hagedorn

          Mandy Hagedorn


          Occupation: Software Product Manager, Hewlett Packard

          Community Volunteer Work: Saltwater Sportsman Show, Oregon Dog Rescue, Oregon Tuna Classic, Clark County Food Bank, and Ducks Unlimited. 

          Education: B.S., Portland State University, Marketing

          I’m a concerned citizen invested in the long-term success of the place I call home. We have a critical need for leaders who are passionate about our future as a community, not as a cash cow for urban sprawl with no accountability.

          My career in Product Management & Development has been built on strong communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills that deliver real results. These qualities make me the best choice for your next City Council representative.

          My Priorities:

          • Listen: I will create better channels of communication for residents to share their concerns, experiences, and vision for our collaborative future. 
          • Prioritize: I’ll work with my fellow City Councilors to turn your concerns and wishes into realistic plans that benefit the community, not just businesses or outside interests. Prioritizing solid budgeting and good outcomes as a community will create a better future for all of us. 
          • Collaborate: I have a successful record of collaborating with people from different backgrounds, areas of experience, and cultures. I work from a place of open communication and with a spirit of finding common ground. I will bring these same skills to the City Council.
          • Act: The city has a history of spending a lot of money to create plans that seem to go nowhere. I will make sure every major goal is vetted with the public and has action behind it. 
          • Focus Inside First: I’ll make sure that we attract businesses to our town center and build a more livable community before collaboratively planning for any growth. 
          Katie Reding

          Katie Reding


          Occupation: Full-time Mom

          Community Volunteer Work: Volunteer at St. Francis of Assisi school; part of the Benefit Tea at St. Edward Church, including a hub social media volunteer team before they closed.

          Educational Background: B.S. in Business Administration, Oregon State University; minor in Health Behavior

          I am a life-long resident of North Plains. I grew up in the Mountaindale valley and have settled back in the city with my husband and children. My purpose for running on City Council is to see a city that my children can live in years from now. One that is safe, has amenities, and they can still live within their means to do so. I believe North Plains stands on a precipice to be a model city that listens to its constituents and grows in a way that protects our farmland, provides a path for future planned growth, and makes smart choices for industries we bring in for jobs for our community. I want open communication with my community and for engagement to happen at council meetings that leads to even better ideas.

          My Priorities:

          • Ensure a smart growth plan with input from the whole community
          • Transparency and accountability for city council
          • Engagement from the community
          • Better communication and listening from the city to its constituents
          • Growing the next generation of leaders
          • Working on a balance of what the community wants and maintaining our lower taxes
          • Smart choices in contracts
          • Doing research before meetings to walk in with plans and ideas, not wasting time
          • Being able to engage in civil, constructive, conversations amongst council to come to the best common ground that benefits the community.

          I hope I’ve earned your vote and look forward to talking with you throughout my term to serve your needs.

          Learn about

          Our Priorities

          Our campaign is focused on four key priorities that will reflect our commitment to maintaining our small-town charm and ensuring a thriving, safe, and prosperous environment for all residents.


          Smart Growth

          • Smart Zoning Practices: Committed to balancing responsible development with the preservation of North Plains’ character, and protecting Oregon’s valuable farmland. 
          • Maximize Resources: Invest in underutilized properties to foster growth within current city boundaries.
          • Downtown Revitalization: Create programs that will invigorate our downtown area, and encourage and attract local small businesses.


            Community Engagement

            • Streamlining Meetings: Make City Council meetings more efficient and engage the public in participating.
            • Mentorship and Volunteerism: Develop future city leaders through mentorship and expanding volunteer opportunities.
            • Transparency and Integrity: Advocate for a culture of transparency and integrity in city government to build trust and accountability.


              Financial Responsibility

              • Citizen Review Committee: Create a citizen review committee to enhance transparency and accountability in the city budget.
              • Public Safety and Infrastructure: Prioritize funding for public safety and infrastructure services to meet the needs of our community.
              • Department Optimization: Standardize and optimize city departments and improve public reporting to ensure efficient use of resources.


                Economic Development

                • Support for Small Businesses: Develop programs that support and grow local small businesses.
                • Growth Planning: Identify and support the development of new businesses that serve our community based on the majority of citizen feedback.
                • Community Programs: Expand support programs for our local seniors, families and youth.

                  The current North Plains mayor and city council seem intent on forcing growth

                  Although the former Urban Growth Expansion plan to double in size was scrapped, the City is pushing for a new growth plan by the end of 2024. The City is in the process of creating a “re-look” committee, to reexamine how much North Plains is going to expand for its Urban Growth Boundary expansion version #2.

                  Why the rush to get the plan through by the end of the year? One potential reason is the Mayor and three City Council positions have terms that end in December. If all four of us are voted into office, we’ll create a majority on City Council – which could sway any vote on growth.

                  Secondly, there has been talk of a state concept planning grant that needs to be used before its expiration date. However, it is unclear to us, through publicly available sources, the details of the grant and when that expiration date is. 

                  Lastly, the Hillsboro Herald has sources who indicate the City of North Plains internally has plans to attract a major industrial player using Oregon Chips Act Round 2 Money. At least $10 million will be offered for eligible projects related to the Semiconductor industry. Decisions of who and where those funds are going won’t be made until some time in September. There isn’t anywhere in the City of North Plains where a major tech employer could build. So unless some land comes into the boundary soon, any plans for an employer riding into town and creating those “high-paying semiconductor jobs” we always hear so much about are non existent. 

                  Regardless of the reason to push expansion through by the end of the year, the aggressive approach to expand in such a short time period by the current Mayor and City Council in pursuit of this growth and expansion speaks volumes.

                  The solution is simple—we need new officials in office—not more of the same. Vote for “The 4” by November 5th. 

                  Share Your Big Ideas for North Plains!

                  This confidential, online survey is offered by Friends of North Plains supporting smart, sustainable growth that also protects our local community. Your responses will help craft a starting vision for what North Plains can become, and will inform our conversations over the coming months.

                  Candidate Forum: Sponsored by CPO 8

                  Saturday, Oct. 5th at 4:00 PM

                  North Plains Elementary School

                  This is the only forum the four of us will attend.
                  Hosted by the neutral CPO 8. All eight candidates have been invited.
                  All attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions at the door via notecards. Issue-based questions only please. No questions directed at a specific individual. 
                  All candidates have been invited to attend this neutral event at North Plains Elementary School, we hope you’ll join us to hear what the Save North Plains candidates Ariel Goodwin, Aaron Dumbrow, Mandy Hagedorn, and Katie Reding have to say.
                  A duplicate forum has been advertised by the Chamber of Commerce, which will feature opposition candidates only, and which will offer limited seating for the community. Since we were only given one business day to respond after being invited, we were unable rearrange our schedules. We also have reservations about an event organized by Chamber of Commerce lacking impartiality due to opposition candidates’ direct affiliation.
                  Instead, we chose to focus on this forum hosted by the Community Participation Organization (CPO8) which is coordinating with the Washington County chapter of the League of Women Voters as a reputable impartial moderator.
                  We hope to see you there!

                  Save North Plains Events — Vote for "The 4" Meet and Greet. Ariel Goodwin for North Plains Mayor, Aaron Dumbrow, Mandy Hagedorn, and Katie Reding for North Plains City Council.

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